Trying to distinguish dandruff v.s dry scalp is simple. Although it may look similar, they are totally different.
Dandruff skin usually appears a little more irritated and oily. It sounds worse than what it is, but dandruff is a fungus.
Improperly shampooing your hair and scalp can cause skin cells to accumulate and create itchy flakes which leads to a fungus called Malassezia.
It’s like a yeast infection on your scalp.
There are a few ways to get rid of dandruff...
You want to make sure you exfoliate that dead skin and fungus off.
Try to use natural products like tea tree oil, lavender, Zinc, or apple cider vinegar. I also recommend to balance your scalps PH levels with a baking soda scrub (one part water 2 parts baking soda.)
Dandruff can also be a sign of your body needing to detox , try balancing your PH levels internally as well as externally. Also, surprisingly stress can contribute to take a chill pill and relax- shit could always be worse, now go clean your scalp. 🧖♀️
Dry scalp on the other hand is due to lack of moisture -externally and internally. It can also be caused from a chemical service like lightening your roots. Try to void using any shampoos with harsh chemicals like sulfates or cocomide MEA (which is a derivative of ammonia) and this just strips your natural sebaceous glands, causing one of 1 things:
1: Dry itchy flakes
2: or the totally opposite, your sebaceous glands OVER produce, to compensate for the lack of moisture ( your scalp gets oily quick)
Professional salons are professional for a reason, so if you trust your stylist, ask them what shampoos and conditioners work best for your hair and scalp. Everyone is different so your stylist should help know what shampoo works for you.
More tips for a dry scalp:
drink plenty of water (at least 60 -70 ounces a day)
do a coconut oil treatment
Do not wash your hair everyday-your natural oils are the best oils for your scalp
Lavender Oil (super soothing and calming, make sure it’s certified organic)