Love and Flow started off as a personal change for a healthier lifestyle and daily beauty regime.

My goal is to empower women, share knowledge about non toxic living, and to spread the beauty of love.  We strive to spread girl love and make this world a better place.
We collect beauty, feminine, and wellness products for women in need. 

My name is Jessica Gonzalez and I have been in the professional beauty industry as a licensed cosmetologist for 10 years.

I used to suffer from severe eczema since the age of 7.  After being exposed to chemicals and clients all day every day,  I started to keep track of common health and skin issues such as eczema, dandruff ,acne, and cancer among my clients,and I realized there was a direct correlation to what we use on our body and what we put in it. Around the same time my mom and aunt were diagnosed with cancer and we NEVER had cancer in our family so it made me do some digging. After researching the benefits of a holistic lifestyle, I decided to be my own healer after years of steroids like Prednisone and other topical treatments that didn't really work. I have an a eclectic mix of clients ranging from ages 17-93. By conducting my own observations and researching a hypothesis, I have a few theories.

Here at Love & Flow we have a selection of handcrafted hair and skin goodies made with non toxic organic ingredients.

We also have some beauty, travel, and DIY tips in our blog.

We aspire to inspire everyone to live a happy and healthy lifestyle. 


All of our products are  handcrafted with :

Au Natural ingredients, plant-based organic cold-pressed oils, Doterra therapeutic-grade essential oils, GMO free bees wax, BPA free packaging, and many certified organic ingredients.

Love & Flow DOES NOT:

Do animal testing. We do not contain harmful, synthetic ingredients such as parabens,  phthalates, chemicals, fillers,  mineral oils, talc, or petroleum. 




Disclaimer :

I am offering advice as a certified licensed Cosmetologist and from personal experiences.

Content on this website is provided for general informational purposes and should not be considered medical advice. Product information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Lovd and Flow Studio is not liable for any individual reaction to any particular ingredient.