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Plan B & Dollar Tree

Plan B & Dollar Tree

I know, I preach about being all hollistic and all, but I’m 28 which means I’m a CADULT (child+adult=cadult)

Although my mom had me at the age of 15, I am not ready for kids now…I barely take care of myself! Sometimes my dog reminds me when to feed her, so for Jess to be responsible for a human of society ?! HA NO, not yet . The world isn’t ready for that, and neither am I.

So my ass took a plan B because of course I had sex while I was ovulating and we know what that means.

I was convinced he tried to trap me.

I made him buy the plan B...don’t ever feel bad to tell him to buy it! I know girls feel ashamed but fuck that, you didn’t ejaculate yourself, it’s $50 boo. 


Fun facts I feel like the women of the world need to know ... 

Taking a plan B the week of ovulation really messes with your cycle-especially if you are normally in tuned with your body. My cycle was on point, every 28-30 days, but nooooo not with plan B.

I went 38 days without my period. Those 8 fucking days were the longest days ever. I took a pregnancy test everyday. I had faint cramps and I thought to myself, whyyyyy universe ?! I took plan B to avoid this! Ya know, being a typical girl all extra and shit. After 5 negative test, I finally got my period and I legit did a happy dance. One day I’ll be happy for the opposite of this, just NOT TODAY. 

What I want to share with you is that you can buy  pregnancy test at the dollar store. I HAVE 5 CLIENTS THAT ARE NURSES THAT CONFIRMED THIS.

Dollar tree pregnancy test v.s $14 first response ? $1 test wins , I bought 10 of them.


Plan B made my period come back with a vengeance. My period was so bad I thought I was going to pass out, it felt like I had just got off of birth control again.  Granted I asked for this because of the E.C, but next time I think I’m just going to have to face my responsibilities because I guess I am old enough now 🧐

Plan B also has talc in it, which is a horrible no thank you.   

I suggest Maca powder and ginger tea if you take a plan B. I do not recommend it as a method for birth control, it’s really for emergencies.

Stay safe, do your kegels, and wear protection! 








Advice from my lovely abuelita

Advice from my lovely abuelita