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The power of maca

The power of maca


After gathering information from my fabulous group of female clients, I conducted a few theories I would like to share. FYI my research is based off of client surveys and I conclude my own hypothesis/theories based off of my studies and personal experiences.

Maca powder helps to balance your hormones when taken daily. It also helps alleviate menstruation pain… I can strongly attest to this.

I am super proud of my Peruvian descent, and I have done a bunch of research on some good old holistic remedies. Chemically, the maca root contains significant amounts of amino acids, carbohydrates, and minerals including calcium, phosphorous, zinc, magnesium, iron, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B12, C and E.

My native people have been the Maca root for over 3,000 years. It can only grown in the high altitude of the Andes Mountains of Peru. Maca happens to be a great natural treatment for a few hormonal issues, like menstrual cramps. Loaded with minerals like iodine, zinc, and essential fatty acids- Maca helps to balance out hormones, increase energy and libido , helps those who are possibly anemic, and it apparently helps fertility (due to its hormone balancing properties). 

I was on birth control for 8 years, and for the past 2 years I finally have my body back. It took time but I’m happy to share my story in hopes of helping other women.  Especially those with hormone issues and painful period cramps.

My periods came back with a vengeance when I got off the pill. I literally thought I was dying every 28 days for the first few months.

I would throw up and shake in pain, I couldn’t walk much because the cramps were unbearable and my hands and feet were ice cold because I was borderline anemic. After some research I discovered that this was NOT OKAY. When this happens, our body is trying to talk to us. Not only did I suffer from horrible periods like this, but after talking to clients this was a common issue with many girls.

I refused to go back on the pill. 

Aside from switching to an all organic and non GMO diet, I started incorporating Maca powder into my daily lifestyle. It does not have a strong taste like other roots. 

I put about a teaspoon of powder into my cawfee EVERY morning. ☕️ 

If you’re not a coffee drinker you can also put some maca powder in smoothies 🥤 

If you enjoy cooking like I do, you even sneak some maca powder into some foods like beans and or even some baking recipes 🍪😋 

I’ve experienced a noticeable difference in my monthly cycle. Of course I still get the normal black hole appetite and sensitive PMS struggles...but my cramps are now comparable to the kind of cramps you get when you hold in a fart-I’ll fucking take that over what used to happen. I hope you take this advice if you’re a girl who suffers from severe cramps, irregular periods, acne, low libido , or anemia . 

Whenever we visit the mountains of Peru we do our best to support local farmers and collect organic preservative free Maca powder.

Maca powder helps balance your hormones. What are signs of imbalanced hormones?

  1. acne on chin area

  2. Thinning hair along hairline

  3. Clumps of hair falling out

  4. irregular periods

  5. Severe period cramps

  6. low sex drive

If you suffer from any of this I highly suggest to incorporate this in your diet.

I must share, birth control lowered my sex drive and Maca powder also helped me get my mojo back. I was 26 feeling like I was 42, I know my sex life was worth more than what I was having and I’m so so happy I discovered Maca powder, not only to relieve my period cramps but helped me get my body back after being numb froM artificial hormones.

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