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Imbalanced Hormones

Imbalanced Hormones

I feel like the Handmaids tale is coming to life and it’s freaking me out.

Lately there has been a rise in abnormal hormone imbalances.

I see about 20-27 women a week.
At least 7-10 women I see have imbalanced hormones due to a thyroid issue, PCOS, endometriosis, or just really abnormal menstrual cycles .

How does one know if their hormones are off?

If you have been experiencing thinning hair along the hairline, acne, and unwanted extra facial hair on the face, especially around the chin area …these are all signs of a hormonal imbalance. Other signs are irregular menstruation cycles, unexplainable weight loss/weight gain. Stress can be confused with having a hormone imbalance, and while it’s all connected …if your hair and skin is acting up it’s because your body is trying to tell you something.

I came to the conclusion, after years of personally gathering research from clients…birth control makes you loose your hair and actually fucks up your hormones.
I have so many clients that have cystic acne on their chin/cheek area or thinning hair and it all links back to birth control and imbalanced hormones.

If you’re not on birth control and you feel like these symptoms are relatable…check your thyroid levels. My mom beat thyroid cancer and I learned so much because of her experience.

Thyroid issues is now another common issue that I realized has risen over the years.

If your thyroid is good and you’ve gotten that checked, but you still feel like your hormones are off, it all comes down to what you eat.

Other contributing factors to an imbalance of hormones can be from the meat/ dairy you consume. When I switched to eating organic, my boobs went from a full D to a B cup.

I was fully developed with a D cup by the age of 14. Growing up Latina, my grandma cooked Chuleta, bistec, and carne asado all the time. Do you think that shit was organic? No.

I highly believe eating non organic meat causes more inflammation in the body and it’s filled with artificial hormones that are not good for you.
Not only did my tits go away with this non-toxic living process… my eczema and severe allergies did too!

The purpose of this post:

To raise awareness to my fellow ladies and gentlemen. I want to promote a non toxic living.

Eat organic, drink water (not Dasani), support your local farmers and try to stay away rom chemicals your body does not need.

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